Your Data
On Your Own Terms
Your data wealth. AI’s fuel. We bring them together
Taking the Music + AI industry by storm as our first focus
Your data is an asset,
and AI needs all of it
We Don't Own Our Data
Individuals and enterprises lack true ownership of their data, missing out on its benefits in the AI era.
AI Needs Bulk Data and Human Workforce Access
The AI lifecycle, from training to deployment and improvement, requires bulk data from a consenting human workforce and ongoing access for feedback and evolution.
AI Data Usage Lacks Transparency
AI data sourcing lacks transparency, slowing down go-to-market speed for AI-first enterprises due to regulatory concerns.
AI Industry Needs Consensual Data
The AI industry faces issues with data harvesting and needs seamless solutions to access new bulk data sources.
A new layer of data
value creation, for AI & You
Own & Get Rewarded for your Data
Turn your personal data into a Data NFT so you can truly own, trade and benefit from it.
Bundle Data with Data Coalition DAOs
Bundle otherwise unusable isolated data into valuable data clusters through Data Coalitions.
Modular Technology Stack for Enterprises
Build custom data experiences and curate Data NFT Collections using Itheum Enterprise.
NFMe Identity, a Passport for Metaverse
Use Non Fungible Me ID (NFMe ID) as an identity and reputation layer that you truly own.
Own & get rewarded for your data
Turn your personal data into Data NFT as a data creator to control, trade and benefit from it.
Bundle data with Data Coalition DAOs
Bundle otherwise unusable isolated data into valuable data clusters through Data Coalitions.
Modular tech stack for enterprises
Build custom data experiences and govern NFT Collections on Itheum Enterprise SDK.
NFMe Identity, a passport for metaverse
Use Non Fungible Me ID (NF Me ID) as proof of your reputation across Data Metaverse.
Your Data is Valuable
Use it to Fuel AI and Get Rewarded
Join the AI Data Workforce
Your journey begins by joining the AI Data Workforce—it's free to join! Once onboarded, you collaborate with AI Agents, providing data, feedback, and attention in exchange for rewards.
Use Showcase Music App: Sigma AI
Sigma AI (formerly NF-Tunes) is a music app built on the Itheum protocol. It tokenizes music albums and leverages the AI Data Workforce to curate and amplify the music content.
AI-Ready Web3 Data Infra
Unlock Bulk Data
From Users
Incentivize users to generate and share their data assets as Data NFTs by joining apps that produce bulk, high-value, targeted data that AI values.
Autonomously Source & Trade Data
AI Agents can autonomously source and trade data using the blockchain-powered data marketplace and crypto-native payment methods.
Reward High Reputation Users
Each user has on-chain "Liveliness", which acts as reputation that can be used to target and reward high value users for more data or engagement.
Unleash the power of data with our utility token, $ITHEUM
Community members trust Itheum’s data infrastructure.

ItheumV2 and the upgraded $ITHEUM token utility